Dipl. iur. Daria Gladkov

Telephone: +49 30 20 91 29 70
Email: gladkov@consilium.media
Daria Gladkov specialises in strategic communication in insolvency law and commercial disputes in both civil and criminal contexts. Her diverse clientele includes domestic and international companies, whom she supports in establishing, defending, or restoring their individual reputations.
Beyond providing communicative responses and legal support, she also offers strategic guidance on implementing ESG standards and navigating socio-political developments. Prior to her role at CONSILIUM, Daria Gladkov, a graduate lawyer from LMU Munich, worked as an author for publications like Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bayerischer Rundfunk, and the ProSiebenSat.1 media group, contributing across various platforms, including print, online, radio, and TV.
Most notably, Daria Gladkov was jointly responsible in overseeing cross-media media and public relations efforts for the state government and the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia in her most recent position.
“Social Media in the Crisis”
– Lecture as part of a seminar on crisis communication for a nationwide charity organization (22 September 2022)
“GDPR & Media Pressure with Public Prosecutors”
– Lecture as part of a seminar on crisis communication for a nationwide charity (21 September 2022)