Dipl. iur. Daria Gladkov


Daria Gladkov

Daria Gladkov specia­lises in stra­tegic communi­cation in insol­vency law and commer­cial disputes in both civil and criminal contexts. Her diverse clientele includes domestic and inter­national compa­nies, whom she supports in estab­lishing, defen­ding, or restoring their individual reputations.
Beyond provi­ding communi­cative responses and legal support, she also offers strategic guidance on imple­menting ESG standards and navigating socio-political develop­ments. Prior to her role at CONSILIUM, Daria Gladkov, a graduate lawyer from LMU Munich, worked as an author for publi­cations like Süd­deutsche Zeitung, Baye­rischer Rund­funk, and the Pro­Sieben­Sat.1 media group, contri­buting across various plat­forms, inclu­ding print, online, radio, and TV.
Most notably, Daria Gladkov was jointly respon­sible in over­seeing cross-media media and public relations efforts for the state govern­ment and the Minister President of North Rhine-West­phalia in her most recent position.


"Legal Finance - a Force for the Good? Trends and Developments in Funding ESG Claims"
– Panel discussion at the Nivalion Legal Finance Summit in Frankfurt (27 September 2023) 
"Crisis management and dispute resolution"
– Expert talk at the DIS40 Autumn Conference in Berlin (15 September 2023)

Social Media in the Crisis
Lecture as part of a seminar on crisis communication for a nationwide charity organization (22 September 2022) 

GDPR & Media Pressure with Public Prosecutors
Lecture as part of a seminar on crisis communication for a nationwide charity (21 September 2022) 


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