Dipl. iur. Marlen Fasold


Marlen Fasold

Telephone: +49 30 20 91 29 70

Marlen Fasold is mainly responsible for communicative and strategic advice to companies in insolvency or white-collar criminal proceedings. In addition to ad-hoc crises, her project portfolio also includes long-term mandates, in which she focuses on supporting the development and defense of reputation.

Within the scope of reputation management before, during and after special situations, she is the consultant for questions concerning internal and external communication across all industries. Among others, this includes mandates from the healthcare, tech, legal and tax sectors. The lawyer and certified litigation PR manager also specializes in the comprehensive preparation and support of press events  –  cross-media from print and online to radio and (live) TV.


– Lecture as part of a course at the Danube University Krems (20 September 2021) incl. workshop on a case study from practice
"Trust- and value-based communication in special situations: What matters especially for hospitals"
– Lecture as part of the seminar "Crisis management in challenging times - recognizing imbalances, taking countermeasures & seizing opportunities" of the Hessian Hospital Association (HKG) (1 December 2022) 

The Role of Internal Communication
Lecture as part of a seminar on crisis communication for a nationwide charity (21 September 2022)

In-depth Aspects of Legal Communication III - Litigation PR
Lecture as part of a course at the Danube University Krems (20 September 2021) incl. workshop on a case study from practice 


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